Sunday, December 03, 2006


I am not a hippie, as much as one of my friends likes to accuse me. That being said, I am taking a second environmental law class next semester - two in one year is really pushing the hippie limits. Even worse, I actually really like environmental law. (Who said that the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act was mind-numbing anyway?... Just a dumb Supreme Court Justice probably). My Environmental Law exam is on Thursday, so I have been studying for it a lot, and I figured the best music to accompany environmental law studying is hippie music (I have a large collection).

As of 12/3/2006 at 10:49am, my 3 favorite songs are:

1. She Talks to Angels by The Black Crowes (not really such a "hippie" song, but I can't bump it from #1, not even during exam week - and Chris Robinson is a huge pot-smoking hippie anyway)
2. Rising Sun by Rusted Root
3. Can't Keep It In by Cat Stevens

Just in case you were wondering, I haven't gone all the way hippie. My clothes fit, I haven't bought anything hemp, I still hate soy products, and I shower daily. I don't really get the whole dirty thing anyway. I get that hippies are trying to be more in touch with nature or whatever, but I feel like most of them never leave the city anyway. Besides, being dirty really doesn't make you feel more connected to nature, trust me. I went hiking for over a month and showered 2 or 3 times total. I was the definition of dirty, but felt no more connected to my surroundings. I guess water conservation could be an excuse for not showering, BUT you can always just filter any fresh-water and bathe in that - in fact, I have an extra water filter around here somewhere I'd be more than willing to donate to the cause.

Ok, back to hugging trees...

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