Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter & The Gyno

Harry Potter and the gynecologist - clearly one has nothing to do with the other, or so you'd think. I had a gyno appointment the other day, and I, of course, had my copy of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows in my bag with me considering it just came out this past Saturday (Actually finished the book today - It was great). So there I am lying on the examining table in my gown with my leg in the stirrups freezing my ass off, and my gynecologist notices my copy of Harry Potter sitting on the chair. She apparently is also a Harry Potter fan and starts asking me questions about Horcruxes and Lord Voldemort during my exam. I don't know why maybe it has something to do with the innocence of it being a children's book, but I found a gynecological exam an extremely inappropriate situation in which to discuss Harry Potter and his quest to defeat evil...