Monday, November 06, 2006


This weekend my law school slow-pitch softball team lost in the championship game. Heartbreaking? Eh, not really. I was much more upset that I had to miss the Sixers game so my team would have enough girls to play. The Sixers beat the Heat (minus Shaq). Kyle Korver (my future husband) scored 22 points off the bench. I play catcher for my softball team. For those of you unfamiliar with slow-pitch softball, this position belongs to the worst person on the team. I caught a few foul balls and got on base once or twice on overthrown balls...a true "contributor" to my team's successes. So I'm no Kyle Korver - OK, not even a Shavlick Randolph, but that's not stopping me from getting a "RU Legal - 2006 Rutgers Law Softball Runners Up" tattoo on my other side of my rib cage with the corresponding scales of justice. (Yes, RU Legal is the very mature name of my softball team).

In completely unrelated news - the girl in front of me at the convenience store just bought rolling papers, three bars of chocolate and condoms... I am not kidding. Seems like she has a much more interesting night planned than my night of Environmental Law reading and T.V.

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