Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

I have already gone out twice for Halloween - once as Cyndi Lauper and once as a speed skater, both were funny, neither were very attractive. I saw a lot of girls dressed as whores for Halloween though. Of course they said they were Victoria's Secret Angels, nurses, police officers, etc... but really they were being strippers. I live in a really gay neighborhood and gay guys LOVE Halloween. All of the costumes so far have been way over the top and most of them extremely inappropriate. I guess straight girls and gay guys have something in common - they like dressing like sluts for Halloween.

Tomorrow is a Holy Day of Obligation - All Saint's Day. I should go to church just for all the sins I have witnessed this past weekend, let alone the ones I committed myself. I probably won't go though... I'm actually hoping that one of my friends "kidnaps me and forces me to drink excessive amount of alcohol" so that at least I'll have an excuse.

By the way, does hell have a VIP section?

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